Marketing in the new era: What you shouldn’t do?

In today's digital media marketing era, everyone’s words and actions are all paid attention to and amplified, especially for brands. Therefore, when a brand does marketing, it should pay attention to its wording to avoid backfiring.


Do not do:


Using gender stereotypes:


Negative examples: such as "Women's Day: Using Women as a Trap for Consumerism" and "Five Female Doctors: Selling Anxiety about Appearance". This marketing approach treats women as a specific consumer group and attempts to promote sales by emphasizing gender characteristics, which not only disrespects women but also may exacerbate gender discrimination and stereotypes.


Ignoring price sensitivity:


A negative example: "Huaxiizi: how is this expensive?". When consumers question the price, directly refuting or ignoring their feelings may make them feel offended and lead to a negative impression of the brand.


Culturally insensitive:


Negative case: "Dolce & Gabbana: Chopsticks Incident". The brand once released an advertisement that caused controversy due to its misunderstanding and inappropriate presentation of Asian culture. In the context of globalization, companies should be more cautious in dealing with cross-cultural issues to avoid causing misunderstandings or offending others.


Offending specific groups:


Any form of offensive speech or behavior should be avoided, including discrimination or prejudice against age, gender, race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, etc.




Be in customer’s shoes:


By deeply understanding the needs, expectations, and values of target customers, companies can develop marketing strategies that better meet their needs. Through empathy, companies can establish emotional connections with consumers and increase brand loyalty. For example, the common takeaway app wished their customers no needing of the app during the Chinese New Year.




Avoid sensitive topics:


In marketing activities, try to avoid topics that may cause controversy or offense. If it is necessary to mention certain sensitive topics, they should be presented with respect, tolerance, and objectivity.


Respect all kinds of people:


In the process of marketing, companies should respect the rights and dignity of all people, including different genders, ages, races, sexual orientations, religious beliefs, etc. By showing diversity and inclusiveness, companies can attract a broader consumer base.

