Italian Design Icons: A Brief History of Iconic Design

IDI 意大利品牌设计展

A Brief History of Iconic Design 一段关于设计的前世今生

The “IDI Italian Design Icons” exhibition that is “a unique celebration of Italian design, culture and excellence” is held every year during the period of Design Week, as many top Italian brands showcase their glorious, stylish products. As well as exhibiting some of the most iconic products of top tier quality Italian brands of industrial design, we organize many lectures - held by architects, designers, professors and representatives of the exhibiting brands - as well as a VIP cocktail party, with selected guests and a press conference, together with interviews in conjunction with some of the most famous local and international media outlets.

意大利品牌设计展(IDI)是在每年设计周期间举办的独一无二的展览, 是一场对意大利设计、文化和卓越品质的庆祝活动,众多顶级的意大利品牌都会在这里展出令他们骄傲的、充满设计感的产品。除去展示这些顶级意大利工业设计品牌最具标志性的产品外,我们还组织了许多讲座——演讲人将包括建筑师、设计师、教授以及参展品牌方代表-同时还会有VIP鸡尾酒派对,精选嘉宾和媒体见面会,包括和闻名的本土及国际媒体的一些访谈在内。

The idea of conducting IDI originated from DP Group, and in November from 18th to 20th, 2016, the first edition of IDI was successfully held in Shanghai at the Condé Nast Center, with a wonderful collection of many brands of design that celebrated the universal excellence in living: Italian design and the “Dolce Vita” lifestyle.  The exhibits were warmly praised by the audience, as they allowed Chinese people to learn more about Italy and Italian products.

意大利品牌设计展最初的创意来自DP集团,2016年11月18日至20日我们在上海康泰纳仕时尚设计中心成功举办了首届意大利品牌设计展,一系列广受欢迎的意大利品牌成功向公众介绍了意大利的经典设计和Bella Vita的生活方式。参展品牌带来的展品深受观众们的喜爱,同时也让人们开始了解意大利,了解意大利的产品。

First Edition


Condé Nast Center



In 2017, the second edition of the Italian Design Icons exhibition was held in Shanghai at the Magda Danysz Gallery on the Bund, with the themes of Travel – Journey. All visitors were ready to fly to Italy without ever having to board a plane as top brands deriving from various business sectors from furniture to luxury cars all showcased their icons.



Second Edition


Magda Danysz Gallery



In June of 2018, the first edition of Italian Design Icons South-West exhibition was held in Chengdu with the topic of “Environment and Sustainability” at EasyHome Top Design Center. We had the pleasure of hosting many great speakers, VIP guests and visitors in the Sichuan Capital. Later in the year, November, Italian Design Icons 3rd Edition 2018 took place in Shanghai at the M50 Art area in Liang Project Gallery which achieved great success with prestigious media partners such as  “ MilanoFinanza” and “Class Editori”.

2018年6月,我们我们在成都居然顶层设计中心举办了第一届意大利品牌设计展西南特展, “可持续发展和环境保护” 成为了首届西南特展的主题。许多出色的演讲家、VIP嘉宾和观众都前来观展。紧接着,在2018年11月,我们在上海M50艺术创意园区迎来了第三届意大利品牌设计展。这次展览获得了巨大的成功,顶级媒体合作伙伴有“米兰财经周刊”和“ ClassEditori传媒集团”。

South-West Edition & Third Edition


EasyHome Top Design Center / the M50 Art area

Chengdu / Shanghai


In June 2019, we brought the Italian Design Icons exhibition to beautiful Chongqing, with the topic “Environment and Sustainability” at TestBed2, the art area of Chongqing. The anticipation was palpable as the gallery had lines of people waiting outside to come to see the iconic brands of Italy and join us for the lectures.

2019年6月,我们将意大利品牌设计展带到了美丽的重庆,二厂文创公园T2国际当代艺术中心, “环境的可持续性” 为这一次的展览主题。展览期间,等待参观展览及参加讲座的观众在入口处排起了长队。


Second South-West Edition





This year, the 4th edition of Italian Design Icons 2019 will be held from November 15th to 17th, in the ideaPod, on the Bund, which has been newly opened in September of this year. Some of this year’s exhibition brands are already very familiar to us, such as Ansaldo Breda, Ariston, Comau, Fincantieri, IGuzzini, Maserati, Pirelli, Poltrona Frau. There’s also a long list of brilliant companies that have their first chance to tell us more about themselves during the IDI exhibition, they are: Casappa, Costa Asia, Ducati, FAAM, Itema, and Targetti.

今年第四届IDI 即将于11月15日至17日在外滩ideaPod创意家俱乐部举行,该创意俱乐部刚于今年9月开业。在今年的参展品牌中,我们会发现有些品牌已经IDI的常客,如安萨尔多布瑞达、阿里斯顿、柯马、芬坎蒂尼、依古姿妮、玛莎拉蒂、倍耐力和柏秋纳弗洛。 与此同时,有些品牌则是第一次参加我们的展览,如凯斯帕、歌诗达邮轮、杜卡迪、法阿姆、意达和达尔杰帝。


Let's see what surprises are in store! 


This year we  are  glad to proudly announce that we have many great partners, such as: Institutional partners – Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai , LUISS, SJTU School of Design, CICC and  Fondazione Italia Cina; Media Partners: Baidu, Milano Finanza, Class Editori, We and China; Supporting Partners: ideaPod the Bund, New Sky, Sun events and exhibitions, Vudafieri and Saverino Partners; F&B Partners: Mamma Mia, SinoDrink, Aperol and Pinto. 

今年,我们很高兴,也很自豪地宣布我们有许多重要的合作伙伴,如合作机构:意大利驻上海总领事馆,LUISS大学,上海交通大学设计学院,CICC和Fondazione Italia Cina;媒体合作伙伴:百度,意大利国家商业日报(Milano Finanza),ClassEditori传媒集团,我们和中国;支持合作伙伴:ideaPod创意家俱乐部、新穹、日恒、沃普;餐饮合作伙伴:妈妈咪呀意大利餐厅、华饮SinoDrink,和Pinto。


Some of our Speakers


  • Mr. Ermanno Vitali, FAAM General Manager

    Ermanno Vitali, 宜兴法阿姆工业电池有限公司 总经理

  • Mr. Giancarlo Tintori, Art Director of ID &AA S.r.l.

    Giancarlo Tintori,  ID&AA艺术总监

  • Mr. Stefano Piontini, Head of Asia Pacific and Creative Director of VudafieriSaverino Partners

    Stefano Piontini,  VudafieriSaverino Partners亚太区总裁兼创意总监

  • Mr. Per Erik Bjornsen, CEO of Morph Design Consulting Ltd.

    Per Erik Bjornsen, Morph Design Consulting 首席执行官

  • Mr. Charly Cai, Baidu Key Account Department, Director of Cosmetics and Luxury Industries

    Charly Cai,百度重点客户部,化妆品及奢侈品行业主管

  • Mr. Fabrizio Cazzoli, General Manager of Ducati China 

    Fabrizio Cazzoli 杜卡迪中国总经理

  • Mr. Dai Kun, Architect, Director of C Foundation, Founder of Easy-Home Interior Design Co., Ltd 
