
Vintage Luxury

Vintage luxury is undoubtedly one of the most popular global trends, particularly emerging in the past two years. A luxury item is not necessary for daily life, but it is deemed highly desirable within a culture or society. also known as the non-necessities of life. Secondhand luxury goods refer to the high-end and premium items that are purchased by second or later end users. These goods commonly include antique furniture, artworks, jewelry, footwear, apparel, and fashion accessories, such as bags, watches, etc.


In May 2021, Bain & Company released a report stating that the vintage luxury goods market may have reached as high as 31 billion US dollars in 2020, an increase of 2.2 billion US dollars from 2019. Clearly, luxury brands are becoming more and more interested in the second-hand market. For example, Kering Group, the parent company of luxury brands of the likes of Gucci, invested in Vestiaire Collective - Europe’s largest high-end second-hand clothing platform. And in the middle of 2021, they also invested in Cocoon, which is a start-up luxury handbag rental company. In addition, on October 27th, 2021, luxury brands Jean Paul Gaultier and Valentino announced the launch of their second-hand platforms. With the goal of meeting the current hotly debated environmental and sustainable social issues, the main role of the self-owned second-hand platform is also explained through the willingness to trace back the historical design archives and reshape the long history of the brand.

2021年5月,咨询公司贝恩发布报告称,二手奢侈品市场在2020年达到310亿美元,这一规模较2019年又增加了2.2亿美元。可以看到的是,奢侈品牌对于二手市场的兴趣正在变得越来越浓厚。例如,奢侈品牌古驰Gucci母公司开云集团分别于2021年初投资了欧洲最大的高端二手服饰平台 Vestiaire Collective,又于年中投资了一家初创的奢侈品手袋租赁公司Cocoon。除此之外,10月27日,奢侈品牌Jean Paul Gaultier和华伦天奴 Valentino先后宣布推出自有二手平台。除了契合当下热议的环保可持续社会议题,自有二手平台的主要作用在于对品牌的历史设计档案进行回溯,重塑品牌的悠久历史

The Current Situation of China's 

Vintage Luxury Goods Market


According to the "Research Report on the Development of China's Second-hand Luxury Goods Market 2020" released by the Youshe Yipai APP, the stock of luxury goods in China in the past ten years is estimated to be about 4 trillion yuan, while the vintage luxury goods in China only accounts for 5% of the market share of the luxury goods industry. Compared with 20% market share in developed countries, second-hand luxury goods in China are still in their infancy. However, with the cultivation of a mature second-hand consumption concept among consumers, from purchasing new products to choosing cost-effectiveness, it is believed that the market for second-hand luxury goods has huge room for growth and development prospects.


Vintage Luxury Buyers in China


According to China's second-hand luxury goods transaction data, 52% of consumers who buy second-hand luxury products are between the ages of 29 and 36, and many post-95s and post-00s have also entered the market rapidly one after another. From the perspective of the regional distribution of consumers, Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, and Chongqing are the four most popular cities for purchasing second-hand luxury goods. Among the domestic second-hand luxury goods transactions, the category transaction share of luggage and leather goods is the largest, reaching 60.2%. Within such a dynamic sector, it’s essential for brands to continue evolving and, in fact, many luxury brands are indeed constantly innovating. Among them, the top three brands that are most popular among consumers are Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Chanel with a transaction amount accounting for 27.4%, 17.6%, and 13.3% of the entire market, respectively.

根据中国二手奢侈品交易数据,购买二奢的消费者有52%集中在29~36岁,许多95后、00后也陆续进入了市场。从消费者区域分布上看,北京、上海、成都、重庆,是购买二奢的四大热门城市,国内的二手奢侈品交易中,箱包皮具的品类交易份额最大,达到了60.2%。奢侈品品牌也在不断推陈出新,最深得广大消费者喜爱的品牌前三名分别是Louis Vuitton、Gucci和Channel,交易金额占整个市场的27.4%、17.6%、13.3%。

Risks of second-hand luxury


On one hand, the concept of second-hand luxury goods follows the sustainable fashion economy, and the items have significant value for money ratio. But on the other hand, mixed sales of real and fake products is still an existing threat for this specific market. According to the data released by the YousheYipai APP, the number of counterfeit products on the Chinese market is as high as 30%. The lack of brand authority certification is, in fact, a problem that will hinder the development of China's second-hand luxury goods market for a period of time in the future, unless further measures are adopted.




Vintage luxury is a blue ocean market that cannot be underestimated. It has become a key market that luxury brands must pay attention to. It will quickly become the mainstream to acquire new customers in the future, locally and internationally. The establishment of a complete second-hand luxury goods identification process will also promote the healthy development of the market. If you want to know the latest market trends in China, contact us at info@eastant.it.

二手奢侈品是一个不容小视的蓝海市场,它已经成为品牌必须关注的市场重地,它将会是未来获取新用户的核心方式。建立完善的二手奢侈品鉴定流程也将会推动市场的良性发展。如果你想了解中国最新的市场趋势,欢迎联系info@eastant.it 。

